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Randy Adams | all galleries >> Part-Time Pixels in Taiwan >> October 2009 > Oct 30 Early Trick-or-Treaters
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Oct 30 Early Trick-or-Treaters

Nikon D300S
1/100s f/3.5 at 200.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris Spracklen03-Nov-2009 13:05
A fine capture of this little group who are probably wondering what all the fuss is about, Randy! (V)
poetry66601-Nov-2009 23:31
Love the Halloween mask and composition of these children Randy.V!
January Grey01-Nov-2009 04:18
Adorable little goblins! Such a beautiful portrait, Randy. V~
NealyBob31-Oct-2009 10:00
Excellent shot of the Trick or Treaters Randy! Congrats on your new camera~! V
Liz Bickel31-Oct-2009 07:11
What a very sweet image. Well composed with such great capture of expression. I had to pause to drink in the wonderful expression of each individual child.
Guest 31-Oct-2009 04:24
Wonderful life image, Randy. Very sweet! V
waterfalls man31-Oct-2009 02:16
Beautiful Capture V !
Tricia31-Oct-2009 01:16
Cute image, at least their mothers can hopefully recognise them, not like when American children dress up in eleborate costume...
Bryan Murahashi30-Oct-2009 16:00
Great colors in this cute capture.