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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Where I come from: Film 1963- 1999 > Napapiiri Arctic Circle
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Napapiiri Arctic Circle

Yes, there were holes in the shutter curtain, post-war rubber wasn't that good :-((

Rectaflex Standard ,Angénieux 90 f/1.8 ,Kodachrome 64
Shot by Massimo Casavola, now architect and professor.

update: Ray's ping, the fastest ever...

other sizes: small medium original auto
JW19-Dec-2007 19:44
Can't get over seeing you and Ray next to each other in 'My Favourites'. This must have been an amazing adventure in those days well before I was born!! LOL!
Dan Chusid19-Dec-2007 17:33
No wonder there were so many babies born after the war!
Chris Sofopoulos19-Dec-2007 16:32
Old photos bring you in mind so beautiful things!
The amazing is that you are standing exactly upon the holes of the shutter;)
Ray :)19-Dec-2007 13:43
I'm so glad you carried a spare tyre on your epic journey given the state of your shutter curtain! This must have been such an adventure despite the endless roads of trees...
The ping between us is sublime :)
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