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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shop-Shot > consumerism chess game
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Roma 2007

consumerism chess game

Sergio Rossi store window

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Sue Robertson11-Nov-2008 21:42
Fabulous find!.. v
Dave Hawkins07-May-2008 02:41
A stunning and wonderful shot, wonderful impact
leelou23-Jul-2007 15:27
Magnifique ... I love it. v.
Gervan21-Jun-2007 20:17
Great find, this silhouet image and a well fitting title. V
Jean-Luc Rollier07-Jun-2007 09:53
On peut aussi avoir des échecs avec les dames...
En tout cas les vitrines de Rome et de Paris se ressemblent...
Latifa Messaoudi26-Apr-2007 10:40
j'adore !!
Christine P. Newman27-Jan-2007 15:04
Wow! Love it!
Guest 24-Jan-2007 04:38
Chess game?
What a move,Adal.
Guest 23-Jan-2007 21:10
perfetto equilibrio tra immagine e contenuto...
type23-Jan-2007 20:02
It would be fair to see this is a very Italian image. :) Delightful find!
fred_il23-Jan-2007 13:29
(!!!!!) (five) :-)
Kathy Thompson23-Jan-2007 05:10
Very creative, love it.
Guest 23-Jan-2007 02:39
Très ingénieux, très bien vu!
La combinaison du jeu d'échec et du consumérisme est une idée très évocatrice.
LM Gildersleeve22-Jan-2007 22:14
Terrific shot.
Rob Rosetti22-Jan-2007 18:52
Guest 22-Jan-2007 13:44
a game in which we are all players, winners and loosers...
ah... the vacuity bonfire...
Ray Rebortira22-Jan-2007 12:42
Check, mate. Bravo!!!
Eckhart Derschmidt22-Jan-2007 12:25
A game in which the winner is clear from the beginning...
Breathtaking graphic image!
Kal Khogali22-Jan-2007 12:04
Oh yes..the chess game! We are all pawns after all...made to feel like Kings and Queens....Check Mate my gifted friend ;-)K...and thankyou!
Stu22-Jan-2007 08:36
Great pattern, well spotted!
Eric Herbelin22-Jan-2007 08:00
I am jalous!
Guest 22-Jan-2007 06:03
Un jeu ou on ne doit jamais etre mat. Tres bien vu.
12322-Jan-2007 05:54
Interesting composition.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey22-Jan-2007 05:17
The geometry of art! Voted
kimberly borchardt22-Jan-2007 02:53
This is gorgeous!
Guest 22-Jan-2007 02:23
so cool!!! i like it.
Shawn Patrick22-Jan-2007 00:39
Excellent, I love the pattern. Nice Shot.
Dan Chusid22-Jan-2007 00:34
I see a way you can avoid checkmate...
Craig Persel22-Jan-2007 00:07
Consumerism chess indeed. :-)
Enrico Martinuzzi21-Jan-2007 23:46
Outstanding. Absolutely. GMV
Ray :)21-Jan-2007 23:37
Like a game of Chinese Chequers.
Guest 21-Jan-2007 23:15
Superb capture! Very creative image.
Barbara Corvino21-Jan-2007 22:22
Che carina! Una scacchiera con scarpe e borse come pedine, un alternarsi di pieno e vuoto...
Ciao Barbara
jude21-Jan-2007 22:18
A place for everything, and everything in its place.
Such a great pattern with the silhouetted accesories ;)
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