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Spain September 2017

Golden Eagle The Roman Aqueduct A Raptor's Meal Great Bustard at Dusk
Bee Chase An Ultimate Predator Lago de la Ercina - Pano Golden Eagle
The Slaughtered Prey Crystal Palace - Madrid, Park Retiro Crystal Palace - Madrid, Park Retiro Northern Wheatear
Folding its Wings Lake Riano - Picos de Europa The Landing Victorious...
Covadonga - Picos de Europa Lago de la Ercina - Pano The Fearless Photographer Common Buzzard
Golden Furrows Stonechat - first light The Flock Wounded...?
Kung-Fu Protecting its Territory Northern Wheatear The Tiny Warbler
Early Morning Common Buzzard Claws In the Wild
The Altar Curiosity Landing with the prey. Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle and prey