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Shmuel Halevi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> MACRO-PHILIA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow



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Saba Red hawthorn In memory of my friend - Luki Tubes
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Waiting for spring O..lala... Beecause I love bees... Another bee
And the last one g3/55/401755/3/55433318.Yanuchc5.jpg Beautiblue Ladybug
g3/55/401755/3/55541548.pizi6.jpg Ladybug! Coming out Dreams of flowers
Poppies and flies Spiders Red poppies Saba II
The light within The marmalade flower Absorbing energy Blue angels
Angels' blue Almond flower blossom Yellow convergence The bee
The peach tree blossom Hairy Calycotome Chinese orange Blue velvet
A yellow menace... The sun worship ritual 1 April 2006. Spring is here. g3/55/401755/3/58130247.machoz7c.jpg
THe queen of swamps A Beetle Queen of the swamps II Bugs making love
Spring flowers Wild pea Yummi... Diving...
Coupling... Ruta Tiny pretty flowers Skybound
A purple bee A (close) friend in my garden On the fly... On the fly 5...
I have a bug... g4/55/401755/3/62444302.O0mwDPQs.jpg g4/55/401755/3/62448198.IQkMEYvP.jpg g4/55/401755/3/62448200.jxK01LPw.jpg
On my way, I stumbled over this beauty... Yellow dew Pine in blossom Snail
In my green world Nesting A purple prince Praising the sun
A tiny bug Hideout.. A purple composition Crimson erotics
Bee my queen ! Excuse me... are you looking for something? Red jingle bells Just like feather
Spring 2008 The spring enunciator Red. Definitely red... Spring disappears quickly...
Seducement A grasshoper Gang bang - spring 2008 Bugging around.. the little bugger.
She wore blue velvet... Saturday Iris of Nazareth New spring 2009
New spring 2009 New spring 2009 The weeping fruit A sun bath.
Tears of raindrops... Peach Blossom Beeware... I am the bumble bee! Spring 2011
A purple flame Bathing in the Blue Lagoon Oh, gosh! I have a bug on my computer... Aspirations...
Madame Butterfly A beesy beesy bee... Remarkableness ! Entangled
The supreme phallus... Triangles II Backpacker voraciousness...
Dreaming Insects' festival Flatterby... Flatterby II
Red alert ! Withered Euphoria Bee my friend...
g4/55/401755/3/138032216.1HUAPLNH.jpg A bug without a tag... Praying Mantis To jump or not to jump? This is the question...
Red Riding Hood Convoy Macro & micro Scabiosa prolifera
Spring 2013 Spring 2013 II A new spring - a newbee Bee tween the flowers
Just moved... I'm so beezy my head is spinning... Hard labor Blown with the wind
Spring 2016