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Shmuel Halevi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Eternal Jerusalem tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Eternal Jerusalem

Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is one of the most ancient cities in the world.
It is sacred equally to Jews, Christians and Moslims and has therefore been a target
for pilgrimage as much as wars for many centuries.
Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially for those who
have a predilection for acute contrasts, garishness, holiness, bizar and divinity.
This gallery is only a small collection of photographs taken recently during my very
short and scarce visits in this city.

Al Aqsa mosque
Al Aqsa mosque
Al Aqsa mosque
Al Aqsa mosque
Al Aqsa mosque
Al Aqsa mosque
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
walls 996.jpg
walls 996.jpg
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
jerusalem roofs
jerusalem roofs
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
The entrance to the old city
The entrance to the old city
The entrance to the old city
The entrance to the old city
The entrance to the old city
The entrance to the old city
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Old city's walls
Old city's walls
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
The ancient walls
The ancient walls
The ancient walls
The ancient walls
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
Tower of King David museum
The ancient walls
The ancient walls
A house in Jerusalem
A house in Jerusalem
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
Observing Jerusalem from the tower
Observing Jerusalem from the tower
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
jerusalem nights
YMCA jerusalem
YMCA jerusalem
A house in the German colony
A house in the German colony
Soldiers in Nachlaot
Soldiers in Nachlaot
Sweeping the floor
Sweeping the floor
A slanted tree
A slanted tree
Y.M.C.A. building Jerusalem, at night (detail).
Y.M.C.A. building Jerusalem, at night (detail).
Israel museum
Israel museum
g4/55/401755/3/64755969.8CfspEeS.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755970.NaUsiR6v.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755971.LPTS1RnN.jpg Detail
g4/55/401755/3/64755973.EaFH1Fa4.jpg The Romanian church
The Romanian church
g4/55/401755/3/64755975.6vNm1Jy2.jpg Ministry of education
Ministry of education
g4/55/401755/3/64755977.lZx2WYlS.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755978.puiH1INq.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755979.bQkrvxZ9.jpg Y.M.C.A.
g4/55/401755/3/64755982.jlEvHNKO.jpg Meah Shearim
Meah Shearim
Meah Shearim
Meah Shearim
g4/55/401755/3/64755986.gfjiUeWu.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755987.13Qwh3Oj.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64755988.0HqSWjJs.jpg
g4/55/401755/3/64755989.JqjZHTK5.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756286.UEFiJBLu.jpg Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem
g4/55/401755/3/64756289.gueCovRN.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756290.Z99UNpFV.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756291.J9zydLAW.jpg Detail
g4/55/401755/3/64756293.JTJhIU8l.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756294.Bfcr3cTz.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756295.hJZ7wvGw.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756296.IT0e3UNT.jpg
g4/55/401755/3/64756297.JcnMERZT.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756298.hfkPjhcw.jpg g4/55/401755/3/64756299.bL3Djqqu.jpg Praying...
The Wailing Wall in the morning
The Wailing Wall in the morning
The Wailing Wall in the morning
The Wailing Wall in the morning
On his way to the Wailing Wall
On his way to the Wailing Wall
At the Wailing Wall
At the Wailing Wall
At the Wailing Wall
At the Wailing Wall
Archeological excavations
Archeological excavations
Guardians on the ancient wall
Guardians on the ancient wall
The ancient wall
The ancient wall
A view from the wall
A view from the wall
A view from the wall
A view from the wall
The Armenian church
The Armenian church
Jerusalem - Valley of Deers
Jerusalem - Valley of Deers
The guard
The guard
g4/55/401755/3/138941936.hUmMVMMk.jpg The bells of salvation
The bells of salvation
Just a street corner
Just a street corner