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Scrub Warbler (Eilat mts.)
Scrub Warbler (Eilat mts.)
Pale Rosefinch
Pale Rosefinch
Hey, can you teach me how to fly ?
Hey, can you teach me how to fly ?
Mountains of Eilat
Mountains of Eilat
Bluethroat, blue puddle
Bluethroat, blue puddle
Hooded Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
The Skipping Rosefinch
The Skipping Rosefinch
Hooded Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
Such a lovely treat...
Such a lovely treat...
Embracing the Light
Embracing the Light
Preparing to Fly
Preparing to Fly
Mountains of Eilat
Mountains of Eilat
The Observant Rosefinch
The Observant Rosefinch
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Quenching its Thirst
Quenching its Thirst
Desert View
Desert View
Sparrow in the Desert
Sparrow in the Desert
White-Crowned Wheatear
White-Crowned Wheatear
Scrub Warbler
Scrub Warbler
Mountains View - Eilat
Mountains View - Eilat
Rosefinch (female)
Rosefinch (female)
Eilat marina
Eilat marina
Up Towards the Horizon
Up Towards the Horizon
Hare in Flight
Hare in Flight
The Chase...
The Chase...
The Ditch
The Ditch
Courting in Pink and Red...
Courting in Pink and Red...
Mountains of Edom
Mountains of Edom
What a Glorious Morning !
What a Glorious Morning !
Salt Ponds - Eilat
Salt Ponds - Eilat
Hey, you kicked me to my throat !
Hey, you kicked me to my throat !
A Worm Day in the Negev
A Worm Day in the Negev
The Ditch
The Ditch
On a Slippery Slope
On a Slippery Slope
Hey Cormi, don't you give me that look..!
Hey Cormi, don't you give me that look..!
Fancy hotels in Eilat
Fancy hotels in Eilat
No Water in the Desert...
No Water in the Desert...
Blue Water
Blue Water
No Gravity Zone
No Gravity Zone
Scrub Warbler
Scrub Warbler
g9/55/401755/3/164967074.YdGWkbMZ.jpg Rosefinch
The Double Concerto
The Double Concerto
Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers
Stonechats - also in the deseert !
Stonechats - also in the deseert !
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
White-Crowned Wheatear
White-Crowned Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
Hooded Wheatear
Green Leaf
Green Leaf
Hooded Wheatear X 3
Hooded Wheatear X 3
Desert (light) Lark
Desert (light) Lark
Atomic mushroom
Atomic mushroom
The last catch of the day
The last catch of the day
Red alert - reconnaissance patrol
Red alert - reconnaissance patrol
Arabian Babbler
Arabian Babbler
The herons' lake...
The herons' lake...
White crowned wheatear
White crowned wheatear
Swan Lake (performed by miss egret)
Swan Lake (performed by miss egret)
Fish catcher
Fish catcher
giraffe ?
giraffe ?
Where can I buy such a beautiful pink dress, ladies?
Where can I buy such a beautiful pink dress, ladies?
Dance of the herons
Dance of the herons
White crowned wheatear
White crowned wheatear
Spoptted flycatcher
Spoptted flycatcher
The sentry
The sentry
Marsh harrier
Marsh harrier
Marsh harrier
Marsh harrier
The diving kingfisher
The diving kingfisher
Sparrows quenching their thirst
Sparrows quenching their thirst
Kiss of fire...
Kiss of fire...
Wheatear in first light
Wheatear in first light
Flying low
Flying low
Arabian Babbler
Arabian Babbler
Beak to beak
Beak to beak
Giraffe eating fish?
Giraffe eating fish?
...before... and after...
...before... and after...
Grey shrike in a blue forest
Grey shrike in a blue forest
Desert lark
Desert lark
Grey heron
Grey heron
Arabian Babbler
Arabian Babbler
White crowned wheatear and a blackstart
White crowned wheatear and a blackstart