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Shmuel Halevi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carpathian Bears (slash) Romania tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Carpathian Bears (slash) Romania

Scuttle Scuutle II Intimidated Foggy morning up on the Fagarrash mountains
A ladder to descend? Comradeship Flight (or fight..?) Carpatian robin
 Sighişoara Hide and seek, mommy..? Sheep in the mist Bearded Reedling (female)
Bearded Reedling (male) Carpatian shepherd Bearded Reedling (male) I mean
Roma - the gypsies of Romania Angry Sniffing Brașov -  first light
Oh... it is such fun ! Don't you mess with me starnger! Romania Two horse power
What a nice bird up there! The curious cub Mist on the lake Agility
Escape Black woodpecker Roma - a gypsy couple Hunchback
Bearded Reedling (female) Misty trails  Pelesh Castle in Sinaia The chase
...One bear up | Morning over Hargita mountains Menace Sunrise over the quarry
Unseparated Couple The Unseparated Couple II Baby, will you scratch my back please?