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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Utazás 2008 - 2008 Journeys >> Riegersburg 2008. június - Riegersburg June 2008 >
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Lennart Waara26-Jun-2011 18:39
Excellent landscape! Great focus, colors and composition! V
Guest 25-Aug-2009 21:14
Very beautifull country.
Guest 26-Feb-2009 14:47
Nagyon jo kep !!v
Aivar Mikko11-Jan-2009 15:43
Excellent landscape. V.
Lamar Nix10-Jan-2009 15:25
Of the two compositions of the castle I like this one more. The cluster of dwellings on the right and the single house to the left each help to define a visual radial leading up to the mountain top. The portrait style composition lacks this sense of depth. V
rick bolt22-Aug-2008 15:14
simply gorgeous shot
Manas Khan22-Jul-2008 21:35
Excellent landscape shot! V
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