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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Utazás 2021 - 2021 Journeys >> 5 nap Bodajkon és a környékén - 5 days in and around Bodajk >> Iszkaszentgyörgy és Fehérvárcsurgó - Iszkaszentgyörgy and Fehérvárcsurgó >
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Nikon D300S
1/80s f/8.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
marie-jose wolff15-Oct-2022 13:03
the red bridge is so beautiful! V
Dan Opdal03-Oct-2022 23:44
My Favorite! V
Jeff Real01-Oct-2022 14:03
This is such a fine composition and it really works to capture the beauty perfectly!
Graeme29-Sep-2022 14:28
What a beautiful wood bridge this is, especially in its autumnal setting, Zoltan.V
Kevin D Warren28-Sep-2022 01:33
Beautiful view of the sunlit bridge!
Pieter Bos27-Sep-2022 21:58
Lovely park capture. ~V
Walter Otto Koenig27-Sep-2022 21:58
Very nice perspective and lgihting on this wooden bridge. "V"
joseantonio27-Sep-2022 20:05
love those colors and the bridge.V.
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