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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Utazás 2021 - 2021 Journeys >> 5 nap Bodajkon és a környékén - 5 days in and around Bodajk >> Fenyőfő >
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Nikon D300S
1/80s f/22.0 at 16.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Graeme04-Aug-2022 12:20
The sunlight looks amazing on this pretty church, Zoltan.V
Fong Lam19-Jul-2022 04:21
Great shot of this lovely church against a nice sky...V
bill friedlander15-Jul-2022 21:43
Looks great against the dark sky. V
Jeff Real18-Jun-2022 12:58
A very striking image of this stunning Church!
Dan Greenberg18-Jun-2022 03:34
Fantastiv image of this beautiful old church. ~BV~
Nestor Derkach17-Jun-2022 16:16
Heavenly composition nice light detail superb.
Dave Petersen Photography16-Jun-2022 12:46
A wonderful contrast of warm and cool colors in this capture of this very beautiful church. I really like the architecture which is enhanced by your POV for this image. Such a peaceful mood!! VV++
Helen Betts09-Jun-2022 11:56
Fine capture of this sturdy looking church. V.
Guest 09-Jun-2022 08:48
Nice capture of this church !
Danad09-Jun-2022 08:48
Nice capture of this church !
joseantonio09-Jun-2022 03:58
lovely church nicely captured.V.
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