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Anna & Christian RECK | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wroclaw > P1080200
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26-JUN-2017 Christian Reck


Panasonic LUMIX DMC-ZS40
1/60s f/3.8 at 7.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Alexander Kazakov21-Jul-2017 14:46
Excellent composition! V
bill friedlander05-Jul-2017 18:20
Super shot, nice how you included all the geometry. Great detail front to back. V
Patricia Kay04-Jul-2017 18:33
Love the buildings in your beautiful image Anna...BV
joseantonio03-Jul-2017 20:04
Loved my visit there. Obviously I missed many things.V.
Blandine Mangin03-Jul-2017 11:17
une composition intéressante ! v
Buz Kiefer02-Jul-2017 17:33
Interesting sculpture and a most fitting setting. Vote.
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