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The Cruise, 2011

Germany, Norway and Denmark visited aboard the Ocean Liner Queen Mary 2.

Gallery under construction. I am posting the photos in day order so that you will see a little of what I saw as the holiday progressed.

Day 11 Hamburg again
:: Day 11 Hamburg again ::
Day 10 Kristiansand & Lillesand
:: Day 10 Kristiansand & Lillesand ::
Day 9 Elsinore & Copenhagen
:: Day 9 Elsinore & Copenhagen ::
Day 8 Oslo
:: Day 8 Oslo ::
Day 7 Stavanger
:: Day 7 Stavanger ::
Day 6 Flaam
:: Day 6 Flaam ::
Day 5 Alesund
:: Day 5 Alesund ::
Day 4 A day at sea
:: Day 4 A day at sea ::
Day 3 Hamburg
:: Day 3 Hamburg ::
Day 2. A day at sea
:: Day 2. A day at sea ::
Day 1 - We leave Southampton
:: Day 1 - We leave Southampton ::
Around the Queen Mary 2
:: Around the Queen Mary 2 ::
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g4/63/768563/3/137091816.ZQinpX4A.jpg g4/63/768563/3/137091815.ctIU1Cx9.jpg Alesund
Leaving Alesund
Leaving Alesund
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