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Ann... | all galleries >> One day at a Time >> Picture a Day 2009 >> June 09 >
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I could call this "Bad Hair Day" but then my hair always looks like this :)


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3
1/10s f/3.3 at 4.6mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Roe..06-Jun-2009 01:57
one of my favs of you..beautiful
Marcia Colelli06-Jun-2009 01:31
LOL :) Nice SP V
J. Scott Coile05-Jun-2009 23:05
Phillip Normanton05-Jun-2009 22:22
You're hiding... :o)
Mairéad05-Jun-2009 21:26
I like this, I'm not sure why but it reminds me of
an image from t he '60s
Doug Cruden05-Jun-2009 20:38
A nice & relaxed Ann, all ready for the weekend...
beverley harrison05-Jun-2009 20:20
i think you always look good...and this is no exception!
Lee Rudd05-Jun-2009 18:32
having a lie in? :)
Johnny JAG05-Jun-2009 18:30
Lookin good.
JW05-Jun-2009 17:34
eye eye!

Have a lovely weekend, Ann!
Monte Stevens05-Jun-2009 14:12
Good post treatment and like how one eye is mysteriously hidden, a bit seductive from my view. Well done, Ann!
Guest 05-Jun-2009 12:09
excellent ! V~!
TuTmin05-Jun-2009 11:12
Nice pose Ann.I like it.
Guest 05-Jun-2009 10:17
good morning Ann
laine05-Jun-2009 09:37
Looks okay to me !!!