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Ann... | all galleries >> One day at a Time >> Picture a Day 2009 >> June 09 > Pots
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J. Scott Coile04-Jun-2009 03:35
Wow. Well composed.
Cindi Smith04-Jun-2009 01:01
Fab textures and composition. Each day is always a new surprise with your shots. Always look forward to them!
Mairéad03-Jun-2009 23:32
I love the same of these pots - great lighting and textures as well. V
Sue Robertson03-Jun-2009 22:06
Lovely textures and excellent composition..
Lee Rudd03-Jun-2009 21:56
real genuine grecian urns!
Phillip Normanton03-Jun-2009 21:39
Stone-age cement mixers? :o)
Neil Horner03-Jun-2009 21:31
What a potty picture ! :)