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Alan Hartmann | all galleries >> Galleries >> Old Favorites > NJ Festival of Ballooning 2001
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NJ Festival of Ballooning 2001

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Guest 27-Nov-2004 19:48
All your images are really good, especially the panoramics - making this one of the best galleries I have been too. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing
Alan Hartmann26-Sep-2003 16:21
Thanks Willa. The NJ Festival of Ballooning is held every year on the last weekend in July, at Solberg Airport, Readington NJ. Here's a link:
Willa Dios25-Sep-2003 22:35
Hello, Alan.

I enjoyed viewing your gallery VERY much! I live in Monmouth County, NJ. Where and when is this festival held?

Superb images!

Marvin Lee17-Apr-2002 03:48
Very nice picture!