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Alan Hartmann | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hemisphere Production's Horseplay in the Hills tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hemisphere Production's Horseplay in the Hills

50 businesses in Basking Ridge, Bedminster, Bernardsville, Far Hills, Peapack-Gladstone, Warren and Watchung New Jersey are sponsoring “Horseplay in the Hills” to raise funds for various charities. These horses have been decorated by their sponsors in numerous themes, and will be auctioned off November 10, 2001 at Merk & Co, Whitehouse NJ. "Horseplay in the Hills" is a Public Art Project, produced by Hemisphere Productions, Inc., 31 Mountain Ave, Warren NJ 07059, 908 580-0051. Also see for more information. All photos have been resized for relatively fast web viewing. Horse Sponsors: Please contact me at if you would like prints, or would like to use these photos on your own web site.
13 Horses in Peapack/Gladstone, Far Hills & Bernardsville
[ 13 Horses in Peapack/Gladstone, Far Hills & Bernardsville ]
12 Horses in Bedminster
[ 12 Horses in Bedminster ]
15 Horses in Basking Ridge
[ 15 Horses in Basking Ridge ]
10 Horses in Warren & Watchung
[ 10 Horses in Warren & Watchung ]
The Auction at Merck & Co. November 10, 2001
[ The Auction at Merck & Co. November 10, 2001 ]