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Abba Richman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Ultimate Pain tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Prints for Sale | In Box | The Alphabet | The Alphabet in Colour | Fujifilm X100 | City Green | Jerusalem | Visual Collections | Na Na Nachman MeUman | Mystical Safed - Israel | In the Street | My Father - In Memoriam | Israel in Black and White | Temple Mount - Jerusalem | The Ultimate Pain | Things Covered | As air is to life, light is to photography | The Magic of Nature | Black White & Grey - Nature | Anael Richman

The Ultimate Pain

Israel is the only country in the world that has a National Remembrance day for it's fallen soldiers where the whole nation stands in silence. Sirens sound at 8 pm and again at 11am. Nearly 24,000 soldiers have fallen since Israel's War of Independence in 1948. All military graves are the same, only the inscriptions are different. These photographs were taken at Jerusalem's Mt. Herzl military cemetery in 2005.
remembering a fallen brother...
remembering a fallen brother...
...a comarade
...a comarade
u26/abbarich/medium/43276911.DSC_4392.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276891.DSC_4327.jpg
...a friend
...a friend
u26/abbarich/medium/43276894.DSC_4335.jpg ...a brother
...a brother
u26/abbarich/medium/43276898.DSC_4344.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276899.DSC_4345.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276900.DSC_4350.jpg The grave of Eitan Newman, I knew him since he was a baby
The grave of Eitan Newman, I knew him since he was a baby
...remembering a fallen comrade
...remembering a fallen comrade
u26/abbarich/medium/43276904.DSC_4363.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276905.DSC_4370.jpg ...a sister
...a sister
u26/abbarich/medium/43276907.DSC_4381.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276917.DSC_4398.jpg Yizkor
u26/abbarich/medium/43276922.DSC_4413.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276927.DSC_4424.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276928.DSC_4429.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276929.DSC_4433.jpg
...a brother
...a brother
u26/abbarich/medium/43276934.DSC_4444.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276936.DSC_4455.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276937.DSC_4465.jpg
...a son
...a son
u26/abbarich/medium/43276893.DSC_4333.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276896.DSC_4338.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276902.DSC_4353.jpg
u26/abbarich/medium/43276908.DSC_4385.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276909.DSC_4389.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276910.DSC_4390.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276912.DSC_4393.jpg
u26/abbarich/medium/43276913.DSC_4394.jpg ...a bereaved mother
...a bereaved mother
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u26/abbarich/medium/43276923.DSC_4416.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276924.DSC_4418.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276925.DSC_4421.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276926.DSC_4422.jpg
u26/abbarich/medium/43276930.DSC_4435.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276931.DSC_4438.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276933.DSC_4442.jpg u26/abbarich/medium/43276935.DSC_4451.jpg