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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> France - Old and New - Paris and Other Regions/Cities. >> Other Regions of France >> Toulouse Area: the Incredible Canal du Midi and the Lauragais (2019) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Toulouse Area: the Incredible Canal du Midi and the Lauragais (2019)

Neste folder vamos mostrar o Canal do Midi e algumas paisagens do Lauragais. O Canal do Midi é uma obra grandiosa do século XVII. Seu objetivo era ligar o Mar Mediterrâneo com o Oceano Atlântico para evitar o Estreito de Gilbraltar, portanto, com um foco comercial relevante. Para a época, era uma obra gigantesca, comparável, nos nossos dias, ao Tunel sob o Canal da Mancha que liga a França à Inglaterra. Foi obra incentivada e dirigida por Pierre-Paul Riquet (entre 1666 e 1681) sob o reinado de Louis XIV. O canal tem 240 km e se estende da cidade de Sète (Mediterrâneo) à Toulouse. Entre Toulouse e a região de Bordeaux (Atlântico), a ligação se fazia pelo Rio Garonne. Sem entrar em detalhes técnicos, havia a necessidade de muitas eclusas devido aos desníveis. Desde 1996, o Canal do Midi, ainda navegável, faz parte do Patrimônio da Humanidade pela UNESCO. Grande parte do canal passa no coração do Lauragais, belíssima região situada entre Toulouse e Carcassonne. Neste região mora Michel Lajoie-Mazenc, que conheço da Escola de Engenharia Elétrica de Toulouse (ENSEEIHT). Por várias ocasiões, ele e Jean Hector, também colega de longa data da mesma instituição, visitamos a região, o que me deu a oportunidade de fotografá-la. Para esse folder, utilizei fotos recentes de 2019, de 2013 e mesmo alguns slides do período entre 1987 e 1997.

This folder shows the Canal du Midi et some pictures of the Lauragais. The Canal du Midi is an amazing construction of the 17th Century, whose main goal was to connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic, avoiding the Strait of Gibraltar. Therefore, economical aspects were relevant. For that time, it was an immense construction, comparable, now, to the Channel Tunnel (Eurotunnel), connecting France and England. The canal was built under the supervision of Pierre-Paul Riquet, and construction lasted from 1666 to 1681, during the reign of Louis XIV. The canal has 240 km, between Sète town (Mediterranean) and Toulouse. From Toulouse to Bordeaux (Atlantic), the Garonne River is responsible for navigation. Without diving into technical details, several locks (écluses) were built to overcome level differences. Since 1996, the Canal du Midi, still operational, is the Humanity Patrimony by UNESCO. A large part of the canal lays on the very beautiful and charming Lauragais region (between Toulouse and Carcassonne). In this area, lives Michel Lajoie-Mazenc, who I know from the Electrical Engineering School of Toulouse (ENSEEIHT). In several occasions, along with Jean Hector, also a long time friend from the same institution, we visited the area, which gave me the chance for taking pictures. In this folder I present some recent 2019 photos, others from 2013 and some slides from the period between 1987 to 1997.

Ce dossier est consacré au Canal du Midi et au Lauragais. Le Canal du Midi est une grandiose construction du 17ème Siècle, dont le but était de relier la Mer Méditerranée à l’Atlantique pour éviter la navigation par l'Étroit de Gibraltar. Donc, pour des raisons stratégiques et économiques. Pour l´époque, c’était une oeuvre gigantesque comparable - aujourd’hui - à l’Eurotunnel sous la Manche. Le canal fut construit entre 1666 et 1681 par Pierre-Paul Riquet, sous le règne de Louis XIV. Le canal a 240 km de longuer entre la ville de Sète (Mediterranée) et Toulouse. Entre Toulouse et Bordeaux (Atlantique) la liaison est faite par la Garonne. Sans entrer dans les détails techniques, de nombreuses écluses ont été construites afin de surmonter les différences de niveau entre le canal et la mer Mediterranée. En 1996 le Canal du Midi, toujours opérationnel, appartient au Patrimoine de l’Humanité de l’UNESCO. Une bonne partie du canal passe par la três belle région du Lauragais, entre Toulouse et Carcassonne. Notre ami Michel Lajoie-Mazenc, que je connais de l’École de Génie Electrique de Toulouse (ENSEEIHT), habite dans cette région et, avec notre ami Jean Hector, de la même institution, nous avons fait des promenades dans le Lauragais, ce qui m’a donné l’occasion d’y prendre des photos. J’ai utilisé des photos récentes de 2019, d’autres de 2013 et aussi de vielles diapositives de la période 1987-1997.
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Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
The Canal du Midi, liaison between the Meditarranean and the Atlantic.
The Canal du Midi, liaison between the Meditarranean and the Atlantic.
Pierre-Paul Riquet and his letter to Colbert, encouraging him to support the canal's construction.
Pierre-Paul Riquet and his letter to Colbert, encouraging him to support the canal's construction.
Le canal du Midi, Michel et Andia (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, Michel et Andia (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Portrait of Pierre-Paul Riquet, le Baron de Bonrepos, who supervised the construction.
Portrait of Pierre-Paul Riquet, le Baron de Bonrepos, who supervised the construction.
Painting of people working on the Canal's construction (17th century).
Painting of people working on the Canal's construction (17th century).
Reproduction of the original plan of the Saint-Ferréol dam, necessary to feed the Canal with water.
Reproduction of the original plan of the Saint-Ferréol dam, necessary to feed the Canal with water.
House (now the museum) at Saint-Ferréol dam, shown in the previous picture (left side).
House (now the museum) at Saint-Ferréol dam, shown in the previous picture (left side).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Michel's house (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Michel's house (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
Le canal du Midi, near Toulouse (photo from slide; circa 1987-1997).
The Négra lock (écluse); particularity: the chappel on the left.
The Négra lock (écluse); particularity: the chappel on the left.
The Négra lock (écluse); near Toulouse.
The Négra lock (écluse); near Toulouse.
The lock (écluse) Négra's house; near Toulouse.
The lock (écluse) Négra's house; near Toulouse.
The water 'division' (for easy reading, click on 'original' below).
The water 'division' (for easy reading, click on 'original' below).
Explanation (click on 'original', below for easy reading).
Explanation (click on 'original', below for easy reading).
Castelnaudary's locks; there are 3 in sequence.
Castelnaudary's locks; there are 3 in sequence.
Castelnaudary's locks.
Castelnaudary's locks.
At Castelnaudary: a desactivated hydro turbine.
At Castelnaudary: a desactivated hydro turbine.
Castelnaudary's locks.
Castelnaudary's locks.
Michel Lajoie-Mazenc (left) and Jean Hector; they live in Toulouse area.
Michel Lajoie-Mazenc (left) and Jean Hector; they live in Toulouse area.
Castelnaudary's locks.
Castelnaudary's locks.
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