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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Several Locations in Brazil >> Pantanal and Poconé City; Mato Grosso state (2013) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pantanal and Poconé City; Mato Grosso state (2013)

Pantanal is a mangrove area in the state of Mato Grosso. It is a large national park (approx. twice Belgium surface) in Brazil, known by the nature and animal, particularly birds and alligators. Great trip with friends including an American and a German, come exclusively for this trip. Pictures taken with my Olympus OM-D E-M5 and Zuikos 9-18mm, 14-150mm (majority of pictures) and the Panasonic 20/1.7. Poconé is the Pantanal main town.
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Poconé, 'capital' of the Pantanal.
Poconé, 'capital' of the Pantanal.
Poconé, 'capital' of the Pantanal.
Poconé, 'capital' of the Pantanal.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In the 'Transpantaneira' road.
In the 'Transpantaneira' road.
End of the road 'Transpantaneira' at the river Cuiabá.
End of the road 'Transpantaneira' at the river Cuiabá.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In the road 'Transpantaneira'.
In our way back, close to Cuiabá.
In our way back, close to Cuiabá.
In our way back.
In our way back.
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