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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Several Locations in Brazil >> Santa Catarina State, including Florianópolis >> Desactived Industries: the Dark Brick and the Colored Textile Renaux Factories (2020) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Desactived Industries: the Dark Brick and the Colored Textile Renaux Factories (2020)

As indústrias de tecidos e cerâmica são economicamente importantes no nosso estado de Santa Catarina. Ambas têm sofrido com a concorrência dos países asiáticos. Neste folder visitamos duas empresas que foram levadas à falência. A primeira delas – em PB - é uma olaria localizada no município de Canelinha (aproximadamente a 50 km ao norte de Florianópolis). Nela, encontramos seu proprietário que cessou as atividades e atualmente vende bolsas, vindas da China, onde ele apenas coloca sua etiqueta. A segunda, Industria de Tecidos Carlos Renaux, da cidade de Brusque, foi uma das grandes indústrias de tecidos no estado. Sua construção chama a atenção pela qualidade que denota a pujança que teve. Foi fundada por Karl Christian Renaux, imigrante alemão (nascido em 1862) que chegou ao Brasil aos 20 anos de idade. Criou a primeira indústria de fiação no estado em 1892. Personalidade importante na região, criou um verdadeiro império têxtil que durou 121 anos; a falência ocorreu em 2013. Sempre que eu passava em frente, admirava a bela construção que se degradava. Quando fomos (com meus amigos Norton José e A.R. Leão) fotografar a fábrica, para nossa surpresa, as instalações estavam em boas condições. De fato, um grande grupo comercial da região adquiriu a fábrica. A velha maquinaria foi removida e os galpões estão sendo renovados e alugadas para outras empresas também. Se, fotograficamente, é menos interessante, é reconfortante ver que o patrimônio está sendo conservado. Mantive as cores nessas fotos.

The textile and ceramics industries are economically important in the Santa Catarina state. Both have been suffering from the Asian concurrence. In this gallery, we visited two deactivated companies. The first one, a brick factory – taken in BW – is located in Canelinha district, 50 km north of Florianópolis. We met the owner who told us that he is now selling bags (coming from China) on which he just glues his hang tags. The second is the Textile Industry Carlos Renaux, located in Brusque (100 km north of Florianópolis). It was one of the biggest textile industries of the state. The construction denotes its strength at its operation time. It was founded by Karl Christian Renaux (born in 1862), a German immigrant who arrived in Brazil when he was 20. The company – created in 1892 - was the first spinning industry in the state. Important personality in the region, he created a textile empire which lasted 121 year, going to bankruptcy in 2013. When I drove in front of it, I admired the plant and finally we (with my friends Norton José and A. R. Leão) went there to picture it. But, surprise, the installations are now in good shape. In fact, the plant was acquired by a large commercial company. The old tools were removed and now the buildings have been renewed and are rented as deposits (for other companies too). If, in photography aspects, it is less interesting, it is nice to observe that the patrimony has been preserved. I preferred to keep the colors for these Carlos Renaux pictures.
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Inside the Renaux textile plant.
Inside the Renaux textile plant.
Inside the Renaux textile plant.
Inside the Renaux textile plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Inside the Renaux textile factory.
Buildings inside the factory.
Buildings inside the factory.
Buildings inside the factory.
Buildings inside the factory.
Inside the Renaux factory.
Inside the Renaux factory.
Inside the Renaux factory; this deactivated building is under work.
Inside the Renaux factory; this deactivated building is under work.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Old structureinside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Old structureinside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Old wall inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Old wall inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant; it can be seen that this building is under work.
Inside the Renaux textile factory plant; it can be seen that this building is under work.
Norton (left) and A.R. Leao, who came along.
Norton (left) and A.R. Leao, who came along.
The Renaux textile industry, at Brusque, Santa Catarina state.
The Renaux textile industry, at Brusque, Santa Catarina state.
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