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I am a black and white film photographer who likes to show a beautiful vision of our hectic world. Animals and ordinary people in their usual environment are my favourite subjects. Although I am an amateur photographer, I studied in a school of photography and like to enlarge my own copies on fibre-based paper. Black and white best suits my attachment to both the universal and the ephemeral. I like to take photos in France and abroad.
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France. Passionately
France. Passionately
Midi Libre.jpg
Midi Libre.jpg
France. The merry vineyards of Languedoc
France. The merry vineyards of Languedoc
England. In single file
England. In single file
India. Punjab mystic
India. Punjab mystic
India. Gypsy kids
India. Gypsy kids
India. School girl and cow
India. School girl and cow
Spain. Street musician
Spain. Street musician
 Spain. Cat and broom
Spain. Cat and broom
Spain. Three and a half years of reflection.
Spain. Three and a half years of reflection.
Spain. Holy week procession
Spain. Holy week procession
Morocco. Gnawa singer
Morocco. Gnawa singer
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