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Mexico - March '05

Spring Break 2005 - Maggie Hsu and I took a group of 18 students to visit many sites, ruins, cultures & cities of Mexico. Our 10 day trip (March 17th to 27th, 2005) took us from Mexico City south to Puebla, Villahermosa, Campeche, Merida and Cancun.
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Group @ Uxmal
Group @ Uxmal
Arriving in Mexico City
Arriving in Mexico City
Mauricio & Nela on the Bus
Mauricio & Nela on the Bus
our bus for the week
our bus for the week
our first hotel - Hotel Premier in Mexico City
our first hotel - Hotel Premier in Mexico City
La Reforma Boulevard
La Reforma Boulevard
Zona Rosa
Zona Rosa
Joel & Eddie on first night
Joel & Eddie on first night
Angel on Monument
Angel on Monument
Independence Monument
Independence Monument
Girls Table - first night dinner
Girls Table - first night dinner
Boys Table @ Dinner
Boys Table @ Dinner
Clark & Hank
Clark & Hank
Boris y la ley
Boris y la ley
our EF Tour Director Patti
our EF Tour Director Patti
1st Night Meeting
1st Night Meeting
the Zocalo
the Zocalo
Catedral Metropolitana
Catedral Metropolitana
La Ley @ el Zocalo
La Ley @ el Zocalo
Mexican Independence Bell on National Palace
Mexican Independence Bell on National Palace
Inside National Palace
Inside National Palace
Diego Rivera Murals
Diego Rivera Murals
Las Indigenas
Las Indigenas
Tour Guide Carlos
Tour Guide Carlos
Tierra y Libertad
"Tierra y Libertad"
La Revolucion
La Revolucion
La Historia de Mexico
La Historia de Mexico
u11/a_cerutti/medium/41445542.100_0037.jpg u10/a_cerutti/medium/41445544.100_0038.jpg Mexican National Symbol
Mexican National Symbol
Carlos talking to group
Carlos talking to group
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo
Los Esclavos
Los Esclavos
Templo Mayor
Templo Mayor
Quetzalcoatl @ Templo Mayor
Quetzalcoatl @ Templo Mayor
Cerutti @ Templo Mayor
Cerutti @ Templo Mayor
Eddie & Crew @ Templo Mayor
Eddie & Crew @ Templo Mayor
Faith @ Templo Mayor
Faith @ Templo Mayor
u10/a_cerutti/medium/41445574.100_0054.jpg Chac Mool
Chac Mool
Matt @ Templo Mayor
Matt @ Templo Mayor
touring Templo Mayor
touring Templo Mayor
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