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andrew cerutti | profile | all galleries >> Mexico >> Mayan Mexico - April '03 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mayan Mexico - April '03

April 2003 - I took a small group of students from Wakefield to the Yucatan Peninsula where we visited the Mayan cities of Tulum, Chichen Itza & Uxmal and the modern cities of Cancun, Merida, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel
Magician's Pyramid @ Uxmal
Magician's Pyramid @ Uxmal
Group @ Uxmal
Group @ Uxmal
Nunnery Quadrangle @ Uxmal
Nunnery Quadrangle @ Uxmal
Uxmal Ballcourt
Uxmal Ballcourt
Bob @ Uxmal
Bob @ Uxmal
Uxmal Guide
Uxmal Guide
Merida, Yucatan
Merida, Yucatan
The Smiths
The Smiths
The Crew @ Pyramide de Kulkulcan, Chichen Itza
The Crew @ Pyramide de Kulkulcan, Chichen Itza
Ballcourt @ Chichen Itza
Ballcourt @ Chichen Itza
going up pyramide de kulkulcan
going up pyramide de kulkulcan
going down pyramide de kulkulcan
going down pyramide de kulkulcan
Goal on Ballcourt @ Chichen Itza
Goal on Ballcourt @ Chichen Itza
Cenote Sagrado
Cenote Sagrado
Mad Monkeys & Bob
Mad Monkeys & Bob
Sunrise in Cancun
Sunrise in Cancun