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August '08

On August 12th, 2008 I departed for 10 days/9 nights in sunny Jamaica. We did a good mix of activities, saw some incredible sites and met wonderful people on our trip. This photo album captures some of the highlights. The low-quality, grainy shots were taken with a cheap waterproof disposable camera. Zion Country served as our base of operations for 5 days while in Portland Parish. I highly recommend Zion Country:
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g3/42/421742/3/102106536.neXwR8hz.jpg Day 1 - Montego Bay
Day 1 - Montego Bay
Breakfast in Montego Bay
Breakfast in Montego Bay
g3/42/421742/3/102069932.B25F6sXU.jpg Doctor's Cave Beach
Doctor's Cave Beach
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g3/42/421742/3/102072822.FJBtzX7E.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102072879.LYJ9BwIW.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102072923.iPZrh9RB.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102072949.QELwEyTe.jpg
Vibes Machine
Vibes Machine
Vibes Machine
Vibes Machine
Sam Sharpe Square
Sam Sharpe Square
The Cage
"The Cage"
Sam Sharpe
Sam Sharpe
g3/42/421742/3/102073273.aIjzuBYz.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102073426.LtTWKluQ.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102073541.ouUiF4ql.jpg
Reem @ The Cage
Reem @ The Cage
g3/42/421742/3/102073688.KCpvCkGr.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102073755.rVgxgExY.jpg Downtown MoBay
Downtown MoBay
Church Street
Church Street
Lyndon guiding us to Anglican Church
Lyndon guiding us to Anglican Church
Lyndon taking us to the Anglican Church
Lyndon taking us to the Anglican Church
Grave of Annie Palmer, White Witch of Rose Hall
Grave of Annie Palmer, "White Witch" of Rose Hall
Anglican Church
Anglican Church
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Caretaker with main bell
Caretaker with main bell
bell tower
bell tower
g3/42/421742/3/102074422.RA8412Dc.jpg Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey
National Heroes
National Heroes
g3/42/421742/3/102074574.pPA2ODzz.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102074850.cdzOQKlA.jpg g3/42/421742/3/102074955.8JTi7tCO.jpg
g3/42/421742/3/102075129.yrq1Al49.jpg The Dome
The Dome
MoBay's first source of fresh water
MoBay's first source of fresh water
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