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EGYPT - July '05

On July 4th 2005 I travelled to Cairo, Egypt where one of my old Tower Record friends, Vera Slutsky, met me from her new home in Moscow. We spent 3 days in Cairo and then headed south to Luxor for another 3 Days. We then headed east across the desert to Hurghada on the Red Sea Coast. From Hurghada we took a ferry to Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai Peninsula and then made our way north along the Gulf of Aqaba to Dahab, Egypt where we spent the last 6 days of the trip.
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v3/42/421742/3/46434901.jpg Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
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Egyptian Museum from Hotel Room Balcony
Egyptian Museum from Hotel Room Balcony
Downtown Cairo from Balcony
Downtown Cairo from Balcony
Nile River
Nile River
Swimming in the Nile
Swimming in the Nile
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Nile Felucca
Nile Felucca
Cairo Tower
Cairo Tower
Nile Hilton, Cairo
Nile Hilton, Cairo
El Corniche
El Corniche
Cairo Sunset
Cairo Sunset
Mohamed Ali Mosque in Citadel
Mohamed Ali Mosque in Citadel
Citadel Walls - Built by Saladin
Citadel Walls - Built by Saladin
The Citadel
The Citadel
Islamic Cairo
Islamic Cairo
City of a Thousand Minarets
City of a Thousand Minarets
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v3/42/421742/3/46434859.jpg Mosque of Mohamed Ali
Mosque of Mohamed Ali
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Giza Plateau
Giza Plateau
Pyramid of Khafre
Pyramid of Khafre
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Vera @ Giza
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