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914-6 GT | profile | all galleries >> 914-6 GT Factory Parts... >> Porsche 914-6 GT Front Mounted Oil Cooler >> Mazda RX7 Front Mounted Oil Cooler... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mazda RX7 Front Mounted Oil Cooler...

Here are a few photos of a Mazda RX7 Front Mounted Oil Cooler--for those of you who have asked to see one. Not quite like the BEHR unit used by the 914-6 GT, but when adapted to fit the nose of a 914-6, it does a pretty good job.
Maxda RX7 Oil Cooler - 001.jpg
Maxda RX7 Oil Cooler - 001.jpg
Maxda RX7 Oil Cooler - 002.jpg
Maxda RX7 Oil Cooler - 002.jpg