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Yvonne Merriam | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Just For Fun! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Just For Fun!

Herein lie sub-galleries and images that were shot purely for the fun of it, and not necessarily to display any particular skill, talent, or vision. Thanks for looking!
Please click on thumbnails to view larger images or enter a sub-gallery.

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New Pics with Konica Minolta 5D 2006
gallery: New Pics with Konica Minolta 5D 2006
A Hallowe'en Spooktacular!
gallery: A Hallowe'en Spooktacular!
Almost-Maiden Flight ~ Animated
Almost-Maiden Flight ~ Animated
Night Ice
Night Ice
Rare Polar Bear Sighting
Rare Polar Bear Sighting
Trio Grande
Trio Grande
Last One In....
Last One In....