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Yvonne Merriam | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > The Forgotten
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NOV 2003 © YMerriam

The Forgotten

Caruso Isle, NY

This old brick church/schoolhouse near Savannah has suffered the fate of the aged in America.

FujiFilm FinePix S5000Z
Digitally rendered in February, 2008 full exif

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Tressa 15-Mar-2008 17:22
Striking contrast between the absence of color, or hope as I see it, and one teeny speck of life in the bell tower. It is a rusty breath of a vital sign, but it looks like a sign none-the-less. Is there a future for this structure or is to be forgotten forever? What a poignant statement this picture is Ms. Y. Bravo!!
Guest 11-Feb-2008 06:43
Glad to see you shot this image. I have past this buiding numerous times and contemplated shooting it for years. I think the thing I find magical about it is the round upper window, the bell and the brick work. It appears to be a school or church. Hard to see while the leaves are on the trees. Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us.
Hank Vander Velde10-Feb-2008 02:58
Very nice balanced shot. V.