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Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3 | all galleries >> Old Work >> The National Trust UK > Shadows at Little Morton Hall
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Shadows at Little Morton Hall

Nikon D7000
1/160s f/16.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dave Ross27-Jun-2014 08:17
The foreground shadows complement the. Subject perfectly.great shot Mark
Jeff Real26-Oct-2013 01:59
What a great subject and you have made a perfect image ~V~
Ton T.25-Oct-2013 17:13
Great image of this remarkable building; superb composition! V+
Being Me25-Oct-2013 12:04
Like the shadow and the framing it creates. V
Marco Valk25-Oct-2013 07:35
Beautiful composition with the shadow in the foreground. well seen.
Guest 24-Oct-2013 23:36
Nice image of this odd building...
mart senior24-Oct-2013 17:47
fantastic image , love your framing work
Tom LeRoy24-Oct-2013 17:46
Excellent framing. The tree shadows give this image a special look. V
Colin Storey24-Oct-2013 15:45
Great image of the impressive hall, very well composed with the shadows. v
Martin Lamoon24-Oct-2013 14:56
Superb photograph of the hall
I suppose Chris lives in Big Morton Hall!
Bill Miller24-Oct-2013 13:18
That is lovely. I have never seen that building.
chris morton24-Oct-2013 07:10
the twiggy framing and playing down of black/white contrast have worked well on this classic
Helen Betts24-Oct-2013 04:30
The shadows are striking and the building quite fascinating, with mesmerizing patterns. I hope you got to go inside. V.
joseantonio24-Oct-2013 04:12
Wow, what an unusual image. Very nicely composed and framed.V.
globalgadabout24-Oct-2013 02:17
inspired work Mark...the tree's shadows seem a natural echo to the lines of this stylish building...V
Frank Brault24-Oct-2013 01:20
A superb composition. Love the 'creepy' shadows and the architecture. V
woody3423-Oct-2013 23:58
Wonderful composition and light, but what an amazing building...V
Stephanie23-Oct-2013 21:30
What a beautiful building!! Love this image with the excellent composition and shadow from the tree! V
Kim23-Oct-2013 21:19
Wonderful architecture, very well taken! V
Ken Chambers ARPS23-Oct-2013 21:11
Beautifully framed, Mark
Johnny JAG23-Oct-2013 20:59
Brilliant composition
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