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Harrison | all galleries >> Picture A Day Galleries >> 2008_photos >> September 2008 > Window without a view
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18-SEP-2008 Harrison McClary

Window without a view

Part of the September Scavenger Hunt. A window.

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Malcolm Smith21-Sep-2008 11:01
Cracking shot.
Jola Dziubinska21-Sep-2008 00:55
Very fine photo, well done.
Cindi Smith20-Sep-2008 23:54
Wow! This is really cool! Love all the textures and golden tones....great comp as well!
Phillip Normanton20-Sep-2008 20:41
In need of a window-cleaner methinks :)
Barbara Heide20-Sep-2008 17:22
wonderful texture and mood!
Máire Uí Mhaicín20-Sep-2008 08:37
Great use of lighting here.
Yvonne20-Sep-2008 08:09
Wonderful lighting effect, and quite spooky!
Laryl20-Sep-2008 05:43
that's very spooky.. and I don't know why but I have the sensation it's upside down.. strange. cool shot!
carol j. phipps20-Sep-2008 05:21
Would make a nice bookcover.
Linda Willets20-Sep-2008 02:49
love the golden light
Faye White20-Sep-2008 02:11
I love windows like this!
Guest 20-Sep-2008 00:49
Great shot... love the processing or is that just at night under light?
Greg Vescuso20-Sep-2008 00:29
What great choice for a window shot..Excellent image!!V
Bill Ewart Jr20-Sep-2008 00:12
Poor window. This would've worked great for GOLD too!!!!!!!!!!!!