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Guest 16-Apr-2009 17:21
I am your cousin Rene. I enjoyed your photographs. Please give my regards to your mother.
YAA22-Aug-2007 20:13
Interesting themes photos! :)

Welcome to "Canon.G7 -- Traveller BlockNote"
Guest 08-Mar-2007 10:41
Your photos have opened a new way for me to seeing the world.
Harrison29-Dec-2005 17:17
Thanks Paul, almost all of the photos here are just snap shots. The work in the news section are all at least 10 years old. I do mostly corporate and magazine editorial now and that portfolio is on my web site:

Thanks again for your comment and I am glad you enjoyed looking at my photos.

Paul Teixeira19-Nov-2005 21:47
What can I say? Just that I enjoyed both your 'non-work related' pictures as your editorial photographs.

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira