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Robert Kitay | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> The Netherlands >> Zaanse Schans Windmills tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Zaanse Schans Windmills

This is the Zaanse Schans Windmill Park near Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
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Typical dutch home near the train station
Typical dutch home near the train station
Bicycle behind windmill
Bicycle behind windmill
Four windmills across the river
Four windmills across the river
Drawbridge crossing river to park
Drawbridge crossing river to park
The river and windmills
The river and windmills
Zaanse Schans Park
Zaanse Schans Park
Yes, it's touristy here
Yes, it's touristy here
Village building
Village building
Not all european cars are small boxes
Not all european cars are small boxes
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