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Robert Kitay | profile | all galleries >> Caribbean >> Dominican Republic >> La Romana tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

La Romana

La Romana is a city in the southeastern portion of the country. It's economy has generally been based on sugar farming, but tourism is becoming far more important. It certainly isn't a tourist town, but many of the residents work at the nearby resorts on the Caribbean coast.
Small Plane that flew me to the Dominican Republic
Small Plane that flew me to the Dominican Republic
The Cathedral
The Cathedral
Statue of Duarte, Father of the Dominican Republic
Statue of Duarte, Father of the Dominican Republic
The Central Plaza
The Central Plaza
City Hall
City Hall
Restaurant on the Plaza
Restaurant on the Plaza
The Cathedral
The Cathedral
Bananas for sale in the market
Bananas for sale in the market
Fruit and meat for sale in this booth
Fruit and meat for sale in this booth
Fruit for sale from back of pickup truck
Fruit for sale from back of pickup truck
The label claims this stuff cures everything
The label claims this stuff cures everything
Paintings for sale
Paintings for sale
The original sugar market
The original sugar market
Train engine in the old sugar market
Train engine in the old sugar market
The new tourist market
The new tourist market
Painter at work
Painter at work
Colorfull paintings
Colorfull paintings
Painter at work
Painter at work
The new tourist market
The new tourist market