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Mazie and Amos

Will I reunite with lost loved pets?

"If your desire is present that you would wish such a meeting with your pets of the past, then so shall it come to be. Pets of the physical realm are much more inclined to want to reunite with you than are many other human souls. This is because such pets tend to have a much more loving, forgiving, neutral vibration which allows them to move forward more quickly. Upon your passing your beloved pets will most certainly wish to see you, and the only reason for this not to occur is if you had no interest, or you were not emotionally/mentally ready. Again, your pets will take the form as they once did in the best prime of their physical life. They will follow you around the etheric realms if you so wish and keep you company. Perhaps to your utmost surprise, you will discover they can speak telepathically to you in a language you can understand. This is always an emotional event as both the human, and the animal, finally get to exchange words with each other and express their true feelings."

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