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Rick Kobylinski | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Philadelphia Union Soccer tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Philadelphia Union Soccer

I recently attended my first professional soccer game and I was pleasantly surprised at the level of entertainment it provided for someone, like me, who has never played the game. The Philadelphia Union plays in a beautiful stadium right next to the Delaware River in Chester, Pa. which is just south of Philadelphia.

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Walk from the parking lot
Walk from the parking lot
Commodore Barry Bridge right next to the stadium
Commodore Barry Bridge right next to the stadium
And the band played on
And the band played on
Makeshift cape
Makeshift cape
I can't resist posing with mascots
I can't resist posing with mascots
PPL Park
PPL Park
Thomas, Brian & Stephen
Thomas, Brian & Stephen
Heverin Mug Shot
Heverin Mug Shot
This way in. Have your barcode ready.
This way in. Have your barcode ready.
The parade of supporters.
The parade of supporters.
Fresh from tailgating.
Fresh from tailgating.
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Injury time
g4/60/649260/3/138015968.BFwjJ9bD.jpg g4/60/649260/3/138015969.kxwuzj5k.jpg Winding up
Winding up
Centering pass
Centering pass
g4/60/649260/3/138036107.mfzHbAKk.jpg Sons of Ben rooting sections
Sons of Ben rooting sections
Brothers Stephen & Thomas
Brothers Stephen & Thomas
Restless crowd
Restless crowd