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Konrad Busslinger | all galleries >> «My SWITZERLAND» >> towns_and_villages_in_switzerland >> Bern (Capitol of Switzerland) > Parliament building in Bern
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01-NOV-2013 Konrad Busslinger

Parliament building in Bern

Bern view map

Spezial-Beleuchtung des Bundeshauses im Oktober/November 2013
The Parliament Building in Bern is not simply the seat of the Swiss Parliament, it is also an outstanding symbol of politics in Switzerland. It was built by Hans Wilhelm Auer and inaugurated in 1902.
(hand held shot)

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 12-50mm EZ ED MSC
1/6s f/5.0 at 12.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Milan Vogrin09-Nov-2013 07:57
Richard Cobby03-Nov-2013 21:17
Great work. You've captured the lighting beautifully.
René Gysi02-Nov-2013 09:08
Wow.. was für ein Anblick! Das ist ja wie im Märchenland. Einfach herrlich.. V+
goelsamuel02-Nov-2013 05:28
WOW! Truly magnificent! Superb detail, clarity and sharpness! V!
Benoit Durocher Photographie01-Nov-2013 23:14
Beautiful image, light, compliments. Bu the way my sister live in Switzerland, in Bern.