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john savage | all galleries >> Galleries >> yellowstone_424_to_42709 > Bison drinking from steaming creek
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Bison drinking from steaming creek

YNP 4-24 to 4-27-09 500mm 024

Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/8.0 at 500.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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tomandlinda07-May-2009 14:40
John, I just looked at all the photos in this gallery. Great collection. I especially think this one is amazing. Hope the snow is still around in 2 weeks when we're there. V. Linda
Dave Hawkins01-May-2009 01:22
steamy image, John :o).
Guest 30-Apr-2009 19:58
Cool image, John. :O).
Guest 30-Apr-2009 15:01
Super image John...
My wife and I had planned on driving over to the park...
from the looks of your image I'm glad we postponed it...
No fun, at our age, for tent camping in that kind of weather LOL...
Guest 30-Apr-2009 13:21
Never seen such a shot, very unique & tells a tale
Jim Coffman30-Apr-2009 12:54
Amazing capture,John!
deborahcuming30-Apr-2009 12:32
great shot!! very nice find!!
Michel Jasmin30-Apr-2009 11:12
Very well done
Hank Vander Velde30-Apr-2009 10:53
Awesome shot John. Can't believe it still has all that snow on its head.
Guest 30-Apr-2009 09:13
This is perfectly awesome, V
Tom Munson30-Apr-2009 04:17
This is a winner, John! Great shot!
Robert Houde30-Apr-2009 03:57
Super shot John. V.
Gayle P. Clement30-Apr-2009 03:07
Very dramatic, John.
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