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Andrew Hardacre | all galleries >> Galleries >> HK Moths > Acosmeryx anceus subdentata
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12-Apr-2012 Andrew Hardacre

Acosmeryx anceus subdentata

Canon EOS 7D
1/250s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Andrew Hardacre18-Nov-2015 20:04
Tony, I apologize profusely. We moved from HK to Hants so I have only just seen this. Of course you may. Regards, Andrew
Tony 25-Sep-2015 07:35
Dear Andrew,

Would it be possible to use your photo of Acosmeryx anceus subdentata in my web site on the Hawkmoths of the Eastern Palaearctic?


Tony Pittaway
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