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17-AUG-2006 Lee Rudd

Lifes Essentials


Thursday 17th August 2006
Day 607

Thursday Challenge: Supermarket Dash


"Straight from the camera" month
(S3 Pro B/W mode)

Well, you gotta be prepared!

My luxury? too blurred to see, an S4 Pro (well, I can wish, can't I?!)

Oh, btw - I thought there might be issues with lots of pbasers running around stores taking piccys! Having done one in the last month, I didn't want to risk it again!

Other Thursday Shoppers:
Scott C
Coleen (Purpod)
Scott B

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Marjan Schavemaker04-Oct-2007 20:08
This one is great! Cheers :-)) -V-
Susan Leigh18-Aug-2006 06:32
hehehe...that's smart play ;-))
Guest 18-Aug-2006 02:52
I don't usually need a list of that ;-)
Guest 18-Aug-2006 00:24
LOL...I thought beer would get priority over marmite!
Cindi Smith17-Aug-2006 23:50
Great shot! And you zoomed in on the most important item!
Scott Browne17-Aug-2006 22:28
Good to see what's important! Great DOF on this.
Guest 17-Aug-2006 22:19
Nice shot Lee. Would have fit the bill for last week's challenge too. :)
I know what you mean about getting in trouble in supermarkets! I politely asked at a couple and was told 'no!'
Guest 17-Aug-2006 21:54
:-). Is that most important for your shopping? lol
Nice shot
Guest 17-Aug-2006 20:41
ESSENTIAL:-))))))))))))) Vote
Ric Yates17-Aug-2006 20:10
Great idea! Love the shot from last month - very brave!
Guest 17-Aug-2006 19:45
very unique!
Sharon Rogers17-Aug-2006 19:28
marmite beer and curry :D
Deborah Lewis17-Aug-2006 19:04
Save a beer for me!
carol j. phipps17-Aug-2006 18:03
Checking it twice?
shatterbug17-Aug-2006 17:54
A man with his priorities straight ;-) Great dof!
Eckhart Derschmidt17-Aug-2006 17:46
My kind of shopping list (but I probably would think of the beer without writing it on the list ;-) Great dof!
Rochelle Weiss17-Aug-2006 17:23
How creative. It's hard not to see the key item on this list.
Mindy McNaugher17-Aug-2006 17:01
Love your DoF! Fun shot! My list would say tequila, not beer! ;-)
Carole Stevens17-Aug-2006 16:59
Ooo I love marmite too mmm gona have to have a sarnie now! Great shot BTW love the emphasis on the beer!
Coleen Perilloux Landry17-Aug-2006 16:58
I like your list but I don't think you even need to write down "beer." That's automatic.
Ray :)17-Aug-2006 16:45
So you buy the curry, *then* the toilet roll ;-)
Robin Reid17-Aug-2006 16:34
Beer yes! Marmite no!!!
John Beck17-Aug-2006 16:32
Like your list. Don't you think beer should rank a little higher? As 2nd on the list, that's almost an after-thought.
purpod17-Aug-2006 16:25
Different strokes, eh, Lee? I captured my necessity (or should I say oddity) too ~ Gotta add the purpod shopper to your list 8^)
beverley harrison17-Aug-2006 16:11
and i can't quite make it out under the beer but does that say "thorntons chocolates?" !!lol!!
Zak17-Aug-2006 16:10
marmite?? yak!
beverley harrison17-Aug-2006 16:10
you need to bring LOTS of that!!
Sheila17-Aug-2006 15:56
Excuse me, is this the shallow DoF challenge? :-)
Beer, marmite and curry... the beer is good.
Bob B.17-Aug-2006 15:55
Okay Lee, beer is on my list (I write it as BEER!). What the heck is marmite? Nice image!
Lee Rudd17-Aug-2006 15:38

I knew it would get a response from somewhere!
Guest 17-Aug-2006 15:35
marmite...jesus, that stuff is sooooo gross....

Beer, THAT is good
royalld17-Aug-2006 15:24
You wish for the S4 Pro... I wish for an S3 Pro...
Ah yes... we all have dreams. But at least the beer is attainable.
Guest 17-Aug-2006 15:23
Bob Floyd17-Aug-2006 15:22
That looks pretty essential to me! Well shot.
J. Scott Coile17-Aug-2006 15:22
So did I need marmite or curry ;) Well done. Check them off!
Sue Roberts17-Aug-2006 15:19
the important things are always clear
Faye White17-Aug-2006 15:17
very clever shot!