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Jim Ross | profile | all galleries >> Nikon D50 >> Tomnaverie, 4000year old stone circle... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tomnaverie, 4000year old stone circle...

Tomnaverie is a `recumbent' stone circle of a type common in northeast Scotland. Such sites include a ring of standing stones which can rise in height towards the southwest, where a horizontal block is flanked by the tallest monoliths. This part of the monument may have been directed towards the moon. Like other examples, Tomnaverie contains a cairn. The Circle is dated at about 4000years old...

g3/39/497239/3/53922390.DSC_0050popout.jpg Tomnaverie...
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Giant steps..
The view...
The view...
Nice hat...
Nice hat...
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Stone faced....
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Culsh Earth house...
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