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Ralf Brown | profile | all galleries >> Travels in Europe >> Spain / Espaņa >> Madrid tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

A Coruņa | Barcelona 2004 | Bayona / Baiona | Madrid | Montserrat Monastery 2004 | Santiago de Compostela | Sitges 2004 | Tarragona 2004 | Toledo, Spain | Miscellaneous Spain Pictures


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Three days/two nights in Spain's capital city.
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Royal Palace courtyard 1
Royal Palace courtyard 1
Royal Palace courtyard 2
Royal Palace courtyard 2
Madrid Royal Palace, courtyard
Madrid Royal Palace, courtyard
Royal Palace Tour 1
Royal Palace Tour 1
Royal Palace Tour 2
Royal Palace Tour 2
Royal Palace Tour 3
Royal Palace Tour 3
Royal Palace - chapel  ceiling
Royal Palace - chapel ceiling
Royal Palace - chapel
Royal Palace - chapel
The Royal Palace is right next to the cathedral
The Royal Palace is right next to the cathedral
Former kings of Spain
Former kings of Spain
Opera House
Opera House
Plaza Espaņa
Plaza Espaņa
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