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JW | profile | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Animals >> Cattle tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


After 30 years in the beef business, I now work in the city.
But I still care about farming. We all need to eat.
And the closer to home food is produced, the fresher and tastier it is the better.
Sadly, UK agriculture is not in the best of health at present.
So this gallery is dedicated to professional British farmers - things will get better one day!
Thame Market
:: Thame Market ::
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Simmental Heifers
Simmental Heifers
JW @ 16 with first prize Hereford Cow
JW @ 16 with first prize Hereford Cow
Beef Shorthorn Heifers
Beef Shorthorn Heifers
Cheviot Favourite 1976
Cheviot Favourite 1976
Pentus Jubilee 1976
Pentus Jubilee 1976
Multi-suckling Calves on Dairy Shorthorn Cow
Multi-suckling Calves on Dairy Shorthorn Cow
Simmental X sucklers
Simmental X sucklers
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Angus Cow and Calf
Angus Cow and Calf
Staffordshire Cows Chilling Out
Staffordshire Cows Chilling Out
Daisy and Buttercup Among The Dandelions
Daisy and Buttercup Among The Dandelions
Horny Female
Horny Female
Cows and Hills
Cows and Hills
Cows and Calves
Cows and Calves
Fat Cow
Fat Cow
The Approach
The Approach
Cows and Clouds (Best Viewed at Original)
Cows and Clouds (Best Viewed at Original)
Red Poll
Red Poll
High Key Angus
High Key Angus
Bovine Gymnast
Bovine Gymnast
Why are grey cows called blue, and white horses called grey?
Why are grey cows called blue, and white horses called grey?
SP - A lifetime ago
SP - A lifetime ago
Look how fast I can go, Mum! ....
Look how fast I can go, Mum! ....
Stroppy Cow
Stroppy Cow
Double Header
Double Header
Charolais Cow
Charolais Cow
Charolais' At Sundown 2
Charolais' At Sundown 2
Cows Under A Cloud
Cows Under A Cloud
Charolaises - Noir & Blanc
Charolaises - Noir & Blanc
'T' formation
'T' formation
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Early Morning
Early Morning
Cow Crowd
Cow Crowd
Give Us A Kiss!!
Give Us A Kiss!!
Heifers In The Buttercup Meadow 2
Heifers In The Buttercup Meadow 2
Heifers In The Buttercup Meadow
Heifers In The Buttercup Meadow
Bovine Bravado
Bovine Bravado
British Blondes
:: British Blondes ::
Did you know ......
Did you know ......
Summer Evening Rumination
Summer Evening Rumination
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Guide to Cattle Breeds
:: Guide to Cattle Breeds ::
Multi-suckling 2
Multi-suckling 2
Behind Bars
Behind Bars
Limousin Heifer Calf
Limousin Heifer Calf
Summer Evening Grazing
Summer Evening Grazing
Faces in The Herd
Faces in The Herd
Isn't She Lovely?
Isn't She Lovely?
Half a Bull
Half a Bull
Black & White Cows
Black & White Cows
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Pose nicely for the pbasers, dear!
Pose nicely for the pbasers, dear!
Cow and Calves in Pyrennean Mountain Meadow
Cow and Calves in Pyrennean Mountain Meadow
Cows in Pyreneean Meadow
Cows in Pyreneean Meadow
Steer in a Pyrennean Mountain Meadow
Steer in a Pyrennean Mountain Meadow
20060107 Bull Nose
20060107 Bull Nose
20051027 La Famille Charolaise
20051027 La Famille Charolaise
20050609 Taurus Erotica
20050609 Taurus Erotica
20050511 The Kiss
20050511 The Kiss
Highland Cow
Highland Cow
Highland Cow
Highland Cow
20051214 Rubbing Post
20051214 Rubbing Post
20051122 Feels like home
20051122 Feels like home
Hereford Bull
Hereford Bull
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20050703 Fat Bottom Girls
20050703 Fat Bottom Girls
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20050519 Fat Cow
20050519 Fat Cow
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20050515 On Location With Cows
20050515 On Location With Cows
20050510 Top Cow
20050510 Top Cow
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
British White Cow - A Rare Breed!
British White Cow - A Rare Breed!
Black Hereford Cow
Black Hereford Cow
D'ya wanna be in our gang?
D'ya wanna be in our gang?
Two Blondes
Two Blondes
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
Charolais Ablution
Charolais Ablution
Les Mademoiselles Limousines
Les Mademoiselles Limousines
Madame Charolais
Madame Charolais