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Karen and Gerwyn | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cynon Valley > Ruin near George Pit, Cefnpennar
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Ruin near George Pit, Cefnpennar

Sunk in 1881 to a depth of 1,458 feet to the 7 feet seam of steam coal, George Pit closed in 1905. Although it had a short life the coal originally mined from George Pit was then worked from the wretched Lower Duffryn Colliery, just a mile further down the mountain. 36 colliers died in Lower Duffryn, including a nine year old boy in 1861. The price of coal.

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/6s f/11.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

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lou_rozensteins28-Jul-2021 23:16
The light and composition are beautiful! The story is tragic. The sooner we find and use alternatives to coal, the better.
Denine 17-Apr-2006 00:45
My great great grandfather Thomas Evans died in the mining disaster at the George Pit in 1886. If anyone has any information regarding this disaster could they please email me