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Antakya Archaeological Museum

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Due to a terrible earthquake in 2023 much of the town and part of the museum were damaged. So the museum is closed until further notice. But in 2024 a website started showing a huge collection of not just the mosaics in the museum, but as many mosaics from the region as could be found in collections all over the world. My pictures were used, but very many other sources made it possible to show almost all mosaics that were found in any buildings, organised by town and building. Pictures of excavations and some maps were added. So visit an informative site showing fascinating other mosaics than can be found here.

I here show pictures taken in an old setting and in a new museum. You will know the trick of throwing water over a mosaic to make it shine: my latest pictures could do with some water, earlier corrections are more as if I went to the museum with a soaker. I used information from the catalogue to identify several mosaics. In the old museum most mosaics were on the walls, in the new they are often of the floor. Hence: lots of perspective corrections.

I have large collections of Roman mosaics at (this one included) at: Gaziantep Zeugma Museum; Istanbul mosaics museum; Mosaics in the Casale Villa in Sicily; Adana mosaics; Antakya Museum gallery, Haleplibahçe Mosaics Museum in Urfa.


2023'teki korkunç deprem nedeniyle kasabanın büyük bir kısmı ve müzenin bir kısmı hasar gördü. Bu nedenle müze kapalı. Ancak 2024'te bir web sitesi yalnızca müzedeki mozaiklerden oluşan büyük bir koleksiyonu değil, aynı zamanda dünyanın dört bir yanındaki koleksiyonlarda bulunabilen bölgedeki mümkün olduğunca çok sayıda mozaiği göstermeye başladı. Benim fotoğraflarım kullanıldı, ancak çok sayıda başka kaynak, herhangi bir binada bulunan hemen hemen tüm mozaikleri kasaba ve binaya göre düzenlenmiş olarak göstermeyi mümkün kıldı. Kazı fotoğrafları ve bazı haritalar eklendi. Bu nedenle, burada bulunabilecek büyüleyici diğer mozaikleri gösteren bilgilendirici bir siteyi ziyaret edin.
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Yakto mosaic
Yakto mosaic
Amazons hunting
Amazons hunting
Amerimnia tomb
Amerimnia tomb
Ananeosis 2
Ananeosis 2
Antakya sarcophagus
Antakya sarcophagus
Apollo and Daphne
Apollo and Daphne
Two athletes
Two athletes
Birds second mosaic
Birds second mosaic
Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
Buffet Mosaic
Buffet Mosaic
Bacchic Dancers
Bacchic Dancers
Bios and Tryphe
Bios and Tryphe
Boat of the Psyches
Boat of the Psyches
Black fisherman
Black fisherman
Dionysus and Ariadne
Dionysus and Ariadne
Dionysus' triumph
Dionysus' triumph
Drunken Dionysus
Drunken Dionysus
Ephygenia in Aulis
Ephygenia in Aulis
Eros and Psyche
Eros and Psyche
Evil eye
Evil eye
Fish, ducks and lotus flowers
Fish, ducks and lotus flowers
Four seasons mosaic
Four seasons mosaic
Ge and Karpoi mosaic
Ge and Karpoi mosaic
Geometric mosaics
Geometric mosaics
Happy hunchback
Happy hunchback
Incirli mosaics
Incirli mosaics
Karamağara mosaic
Karamağara mosaic
Kızılkaya church mosaic
Kızılkaya church mosaic
Lakedemonia and Evratos
Lakedemonia and Evratos
Lion mosaic
Lion mosaic
Narcissus seated at a brook
Narcissus seated at a brook
Narcissus and Echo
Narcissus and Echo
Oceanus head
Oceanus head
Oceanous and Thetis
Oceanous and Thetis
Oceanus and Thetis
Oceanus and Thetis
Orpheus and the beasts
Orpheus and the beasts
Peacock and birds
Peacock and birds
Pegasus and the nymphs
Pegasus and the nymphs
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus and Andromeda
Psyche 2
Psyche 2
Satyr et al
Satyr et al
Seathiasos 825
Seathiasos 825
Seathiasos 829
Seathiasos 829
Seathiasos 830
Seathiasos 830
Seleukia martyrion
Seleukia martyrion
Skeleton mosaic
Skeleton mosaic
Sundial 2
Sundial 2
Thalassa and the nude fisherman
Thalassa and the nude fisherman
Theatre scenes
Theatre scenes
Theatrics from Menander plays
Theatrics from Menander plays
Identified small sets
Identified small sets
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 6018.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 6018.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 6019.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 6019.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 sept 2019 6070.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Treating a mosaic sept 2019 sept 2019 6070.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5748.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5748.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5749.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5749.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Ancient art room sept 2019 5753.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Ancient art room sept 2019 5753.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 5950.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 5950.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 6154.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 6154.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 6279.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Building sept 2019 6279.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5750.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum The building sept 2019 5750.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6009.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6009.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6010.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6010.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6011.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6011.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6012.jpg
Antakya Archaeology Museum Roman bath diagram sept 2019 6012.jpg
Old building
Old building
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