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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1950 to 1959 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1956 - letter to Miami Marlins from Miami Mayor Randy Christmas about start of AAA baseball in Miami
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17-MAR-1956 Courtesy of Lee Martines

1956 - letter to Miami Marlins from Miami Mayor Randy Christmas about start of AAA baseball in Miami

Miami Baseball Stadium, NW 10th Avenue and 23rd Street, Miami

Thank you to Lee Martines for contributing this image.

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Patrick Lee 20-Mar-2022 22:30
Mr. Christmas lived down the street from us. We lived on NW 14th Ct. just north of 7th . street. They were nice folks. Mr. Randy played a kinda of sit down guitar, I believe it was called a glockenspiel; whatever, when he cranked it up you could hear him plaything the thing from a block away.