Jebel Barkal Museum, Karima
 Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Jebal Barkal Museum, Karima |
 Ram protecting King |
 Sudan and its heritage |
 Lion, Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Lion, Jebel Barkal Museum |
 King Senkamaisken wearing high priest's robe, Napatan (640-620 BC) |
 King Senkamaisken wearing high priest's robe, Napatan (640-620 BC) |
 Ancient Kush - Sai and Kerma |
 Upper half of a cherubic Meroitic royal figure, 1st-4th C. AD |
 Meroitic statue of a lion from Natakamani Palace, 1st C. AD |
 Napatan statue of 4 baboons from Taharqa Temple at Sanam, early 7th C. BC |
 Ancient burial, Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Ancient burial, Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Jebel Barkal Museum |
 Jebel Barkal Museum |
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