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Kenneth Zimmerman | all galleries >> Eighteen Years of PaD >> april_04 > 4-20-04
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It's hard to believe how fast I reached 100,000
but then I saw Verti's galleries and his profile shows over 4,000,000 page views.
I have a long way to go.
His body painting photos are interesting.
Thanks for the comments, you guys are great.

The puppy update can be seen here.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Costi Jacky 21-Apr-2004 17:02
I hope to reach this number soon.
Cliff21-Apr-2004 15:58
Maybe if you had some of the pictures like he has, you'd have four million hits too :o)
Guest 21-Apr-2004 13:09
Add one more hit to your list! Congratulations! :)