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Kenneth Zimmerman | all galleries >> Eighteen Years of PaD >> april_04 > 4-19-04
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Our JRT, Daisy, had her puppies last night! This is Maddie holding the last one born. To see the rest of the litter click here or here. She had six, and all are doing well.

I'm starting a Puppy a Day Gallery. Click here to see it.

If not for the puppies being born, I would have used photos I took of Mary's Fireproof Hotel

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/60s f/2.8 at 7.8mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 21-Apr-2004 18:14
Congrats to the newest members of your family :-)
Guest 20-Apr-2004 13:27
Sweet image. Congrats.
Guest 20-Apr-2004 12:39
OMG, how precious is that! I want one! Well, ok, I've already got three dogs...but they're so CUTE!