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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > San Francisco, CA / Generations
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San Francisco, CA / Generations

Nikon D70
1/250s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 21-Mar-2006 01:06
I'm not convinced that either subject is happy to be your model. Good idea to shoot from a distance.
Guest 20-Mar-2006 19:12
C'mon peoples smile for the Budda dude! It's a sunparty.Great to see you AWOL on the street again Chris ;)
shatterbug20-Mar-2006 06:10
Hmmm...I think you're busted on this one. ;^O Great expressions and toning! V.
Dawn20-Mar-2006 05:14
Mom looks worried- Great shot Chris!
Guest 20-Mar-2006 03:37
Your black and white's wow me every time.